Smokey - June, 2002 |
She only weighed 1 lb 8 oz. and had no whiskers. |
Smokey - June, 2003 |
She now weighs 9 lbs. and has beautiful whiskers! |
Smokey at naptime. |
It's important to get your beauty rest! |
Munchkin - June, 2002 |
Munchkin weighed in at 2.8 lbs. |
Munchkin today - June, 2003 |
Munchkin now weighs a splendid 8 lbs. |
Here she is during one of her quieter moments. |
Tux - June, 2002 |
Tux was so underweight. |
Tux - June, 2003 |
Tux has developed into quite a handsome lad. |
Tux is resting quietly. |
This is the manly way to do it. |